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Creating culture by design

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Every organisation has a culture, whether created by design or default

Often workplace culture evolves over time without an understanding by leaders of the positive impact and opportunities that effective culture design can unlock.   


In every organisation, there are culture roadblocks and challenges that prevent the best results being achieved.  These may be unwritten ground rules, leadership styles, the organisation structure, the capability and capacity of team members or even the alignment of strategy with purpose and vision.


It can be difficult to get a clear perspective on the culture drivers and culture inhibitors from within a business as information may be filtered, influenced by bias or hidden out of fear of repercussions, lack of trust and inexperience in interpreting culture data.


This means, most organisations are not aware of the incredible financial and non-financial rewards that could be realised through culture improvement.  Uncovering your company's CULTURE TRUTH through a Culture Audit is the first step.


A culture audit provides an independent and unbiased assessment of culture and a business case for change



Engaged organisations can grow profits up to 3X faster then their competitors.

Culture impacts financial & non-financia
results, risks, and the success of change ...

Culture design is a collaborative process of facilitated workshops, focus groups and experience mapping using information gathered from a Culture Audit and the expertise of leaders, employees and key stakeholders.





Aligning with


Connecting to customer & brand

Employee experience & value proposition

Leadership, structure & environment

Measurable culture

impact & ROI

...proactively designing culture ensures

the impact is positive.

We work collaboratively with you to support culture change ...

Organisations undertake culture change for a number of reasons from crisis management, compliance, competitive advantage, social impact and financial sustainability to name a few.  Designing an optimum culture is just the beginning ... change requires the engagement of all stakeholders and a sustained change in behaviours.


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... to enable the success of all change and achievement of results

More than 70% of change projects fail because the organisation's culture does not support or enable sustainable change 

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