Partnering to understand key stakeholder experience and align behaviours to support culture and attract and retain quality talent.
Company Overview
Industry: Disability + Support Services
Workforce: 3,300+ employees, supporting over 13,000 people
Years of operation: 70+ years
Location: Queensland and Northern New South Wales
The organisation experienced a significant period of change including mergers, release of strategy, culture strategy/implementation, COVID-19 implications, legislative change and system changes. Additionally, in response to external, national challenges with attraction and recruitment in the Disability Services industry, the Executive Leadership Team committed to a program of work to explore, and deeply understand, the experiences and moments that matter across their diverse workforce.
The employee experience mapping sought to provide insights and an evidence-base to support development of people-focussed strategic plans and actions that positively impact the attraction and retention of valued employees.
Project objectives:
Gain insight into the employee experiences of identified employee groups and engage employees in co-design to shape the preferred future
Deliver compelling artefacts to support leaders to understand and engage with employees and make informed decisions that positively impact employee and customer experiences
Develop an Employee Value Proposition that positions the organisation as an employer of choice in a highly competitive market
Provide strategic recommendations for a Workforce Plan and Talent Management Strategy to support the development of people-focussed strategies to enhance and improve employer brand, build capability and improve experience.
Key Focus Areas:
Employee Value Proposition
Attraction & Retention
Moments that matter throughout experience
Alignment to Culture, Vision, and strategic direction
Employee attraction and retention
Ways of working together that make a difference for others
Understanding the experiences, needs and expectations of a diverse workforce.
HENRY REED applied a human centred design approach to conducting employee research to develop visual artefacts to inform employee personas, lifecycle maps, and insights for the employee value proposition.
A collaborative, co-design process was employed to engage a broad range of stakeholders to contribute to valuable outcomes, which ensure understanding and commitment to future action
Qualitative interviews were conducted from key employee groups.
Impact + Results
The most significant impact of the project was predominantly engaging with cross-representatives of the organisation (employees, middle manager, executives), taking time to deeply understand and hear their voices that shape the ways of working, employer brand, Employee Value Proposition, culture and strategic output.
The delivery of an Employee Value Proposition and Insights Report into the experience of employees provided valuable information to support the development of future people-focussed strategies (Workforce Plan, Talent Management Strategy). Additionally, the delivery of visual artefacts (personas and journey maps) will support leaders to effectively understand and engage with employees.
The development of artefacts and strategic reports and resources also positively impact organisational effectiveness by:
Enhancing competitive advantage through experience: understanding the impactful moments to develop EVP and insights and enhance employee experience,
Delivering significant, people-focussed data of current state: Understanding the needs and expectations of diverse workforce & meaningfully engaging with employees and leaders to capture what matters to them, and how to improve
Developing suite of co-designed tools: to support leaders to understand and engage with employees
Delivering meaningful insights and strategic recommendations for an improved future together: evidence based, culturally aligned recommendations for the organisation to action to realise unique advantage.
Key insights and recommendations to support the development of a Workforce Plan and Talent Management Strategy were obtained to further enhance:
Leadership and culture
Strategy and direction
Governance and structure
Communication and engagement
Continued growth and development
The successful delivery of this project has led to additional experience insights projects to be conducted to better understand another critical employee group.
Connect with HENRY REED
P: 1300 266 995 Book a Culture Discovery Session